English conversation- A short story about raising ornamental fish (gupy fish)

 A short story about raising ornamental fish (gupy fish)

Sepasang ikan gupy yang saya pelihara

That day I bought two gupy fish, a male and a female. Males have a black color while females have a light or orange color. On the first day I bought the two fish, the fish were very small. After that, I filled the two gupy fish into the jar that had been provided with an additional decoration in it so that the fish didn’t get stressed. Every day, I feed my fish 2-4 times a day. I also didn’t forget to clean the container / jar of my gupy fish. Within a week, I clean the container / jar 2 times. The way to move my two Guppies is indeed difficult. 
Sometimes my fish jump out of the container when it is cleaned. But over time, I have learned how to deal with it so that the fish does not jump out of the jar when the jar is cleaned. As time went by, I observed and I noticed that the size of the two Gupy fish began to grow. 
When I measured my two fish, it turned out that the size of my fish had increased from the initial length of 1.0 cm until now it has reached 2. 3 cm. So in raising gupy fish, it is indeed easy, but there needs to be a sense of our attention to the fish, namely we feed and clean the jar where the fish lives, so that the gupy fish does not get stressed when kept.
